If you are a man, woman or someone in between with brown skin, there are things you know to look for and to avoid when considering hair removal treatments.
The darker your skin, the less likely you qualify as a candidate for specific types of Laser since it’s effectiveness relies on significant contrast between your hair and skin. And depending on your heritage, other hair removal methods may leave you with ingrown hairs, dark marks and bumps on your skin.
Electrolysis works regardless of your hair type or color and for men, women and everyone in between.
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Suffering from Dark Spots + Ingrown Hairs?
If you have dark spots on your skin, also known as hyperpigmentation, it’s highly probable that they’re caused by ingrown hairs resulting from shaving, tweezing, threading, waxing, sugaring, laser, and even depilatory creams.
Men and women who experience dark hair bumps, Pseudofolliculitis Barbae, are most likely those with coarser, thicker hairs that grow in a C or S shaped-pattern and are of African Descent. You will find that the Blend Method is most effective for these cases.
The Blend combines two modalities. The first one, Galvanic Electrolysis, is used to produce a build up of sodium hydroxide (lye) at the base of the follicle used to break down the texture of coarse hair, and it destroys the hair growth cells & blood supply needed for new hair to grow. The other, Thermolysis (short-wave electrolysis), is used to apply heat to the lye thus speeding up process. The difference in results is like using a flat iron on unprocessed hair versus the results seen if the hair’s been treated with a lye relaxer before flat ironing the hair. The lye ultimately changes the texture of the hair and it lasts longer than heat styling on its own.
Also, the shape of the hair makes it difficult to ensure an accurate incision because the electrologists’ probe is straight. However, given lye is a liquid, it can travel unrestricted to the base of the follicle regardless of the hairs’ shape, providing greater probability the follicle will be completely destroyed once the hair is released.
Speak to your electrologist about the right treatment plan for you and ask about the KOJiMax serum by Dark Parts® to remove unraised-hyperpigmentation on your censored and uncensored body parts.
What about Keloids?
People with darker skin, particularly those from African descent, are more prone a raised overgrowth of scar tissue known as a keloid . Once a keloid develops, while it eventually stops growing, it does not disappear without surgery or special treatment.
If you are prone to keloids, it’s important you are honest with your electrologist on your health history assessment so a special treatment plan can be designed for your needs.
Related Links:
Video: “Laser Hair Removal vs Electrolysis on Dark Skin” »
Are You A Laser Candidate or Should You Beware »
The Competition - Laser, Waxing, Sugaring »
KOJiMax » by Dark Parts® removes dark marks from your censored & uncensored body parts