Vendor Relations
EBL is a triple diversity category owned business and is committed to relationships with other diversity owned businesses. If you would like to partner with us on an initiative, please contact us ».
Individual Differences
We are committed to helping people of any gender, age, race, religion, sexual orientation and ability. We believe our differences are what makes us great and allows us to help make the world a better place. EBL respects your differences and provides a safe space to bring us all together.
Physical Spaces: Everyone deserves to feel comfortable in any space and feel empowered to do things on their own. We recognize there is a large population of people with diverse abilities and that number is growing every day, which is why we will bring our electrolysis services to you if our office space does not accommodate your physical needs.
Digital Spaces: Doing business online should provide equal access to all users. This is why we are committed to digital accessibility. To read more about how, visit our accessibility page ». If you require any of our content in an alternative format, please contact us » or submit your request via our accessibility alternative means form »
Responsible Procurement + Reducing Our Carbon Footprint
We consolidate our supply deliveries into one to two per month reducing our carbon footprint. Additionally, we’re conscious of our supplier’s location when ordering and keep our business with vendors as close to home as possible.
Recycle + Reuse + Reduce
We dispose of all waste responsibly by adhering to all recycling and hazardous waste laws.
Running an electrolysis business requires very few resources to run efficiently. We are a lean operation morning and night. Visit us » to learn more.
“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.”